RDA Yorke & Mid North May Grants Newsletter 2024
Keep up to date with current grant opportunities available. This information is accurate at the time of publication and provides a comprehensive rather than exhaustive list of grants available at the time.
In this issue:
Economic Development Grants
- Industry Growth Program
- Seed Start Program
- On Farm Connectivity Program
- Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program
- Livestock Underpass Grant Scheme
Community Grants
- Elders Community Giving Project
- Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital Round 21
- FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation grants
- National Justice Reinvestment Program
- Qantas Regional Grants program
Veteran Grants
- Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
- Veterans SA Capacity Building and Commemorative Services
- 80th Anniversary of the end of World War II Grant Fund
Sports & Leisure
- Woolworths Pick Fresh Play Fresh
- Sports Vouchers
- Roger Rasheed Sports Foundation
- Bite Sized Grants
Council Specific Grants
- Wakefield Regional Council
- Minor and Major Community Grants
- Events Sponsorship
- Small Business Incentive
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- Community Assistance Fund
- Yorke Peninsula Council
- Business Enhancement Program