RDA Yorke & Mid North October Grants Newsletter 2024
Keep up to date with current grant opportunities available. This information is accurate at the time of publication and provides a comprehensive rather than exhaustive list of grants available at the time.
In this issue:
Economic Development Grants
- Rural Women's Acceleration Grant
- Growing Regions Round 2
- South Australia Local Buying Foundation
- Women's Leadership Grants
- Small Business Energy Efficiency Grant
- Industry Growth Program
- Seed Start Program
- Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program
Primary Production Grants
- Future Drought Fund Resilient Landscapes Program
- Red Wine Grape Grower Support Grapes
Community Grants
- ABC Future Fund
- Thriving Communities Program
- Ski for Life
- SilverChef Community Grant
- Inclusive Neighbourhoods
Veteran Grants
- Marking First World War Private Graves Grant
- Anzac Day Commemoration Fund
- Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
- Veterans SA Commemorative Services Grant Fund
Sports & Leisure
- Clubs for Communities - IGC Sponsorship
- Sports Vouchers
- Roger Rasheed Sports Foundation
Arts & Culture
- Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups
- Arts Projects for Organisations
- The Coast Protection Board's Community Participation Grants
- Native Vegetation Council Grants
- Bite-sized Grants Program
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Community Asset Grant
- Wakefield Regional Council Events Sponsorship Grants Program